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Firehouse Gear

Tripp County Organizations and Leagues

American Legion - Colome - 605-842-9949

American Legion - Winner - Mel Lee 605-840-2693

American Legion Women's Auxiliary - Judy Wilcox 605-840-9929

Catholic Daughters - Joyce Heath 605-842-6845

Cattle Women - Facebook

Centennial Quilt Guild - Sheri Rohde

Dart League - Black Lab 605-840-0543

Elk's Club - Benny Audiss 605-840-9897

Epsilon Sigma Alpha(Beta Alpha): Ashley Dvorak, President, 605-842-3539

Fire Department Colome - 605-842-2055

Fire Department Winner - 605-842-0911

Fire Department Witten - 605-840-2009

Izaak Walton League: Derrald Bachmmann, 605-840-1232

Job's Daughters International - Linda Nelson 605-840-1723

Knights of Columbus - John Janecke

Mason's - Doug Nelson 605-840-1611

Newcomers Extension Club - Mickey Janecke

Pheasants Forever: Mike Scott, President, 605-840-9995

Pink Posse Colome - Tara Beckers 605-840-0280

Pink Posse - Facebook

Pool League - Black Lab 605-840-0543

Retired Teachers

Rosebud Rod, Arrow & Gun Club - President: Tom Sell 605-840-1389

Rotary - Dan Bechtold or Lana Stickland 605-840-0914

South Central Development Corporation - Mike Scott 605-840-9992

South Central Master Gardeners - Mable Schmidt

Town & Country - Deb Engel 605-208-6918

Tripp County Bass Masters: Derrald Bachmann, 605-840-1232

Tripp County Historical Museum - Carol King 605-208-0789

Veterans of Foreign Wars - Mel Lee 605-842-2693

Wildlife Turkey Federation - Charles DuBray 605-841-1889

Winner Community Playhouse - Dan Patmore 605-842-5226

Winner Golf Course - 605-842-0686


Youth Organizations:

*4-H - 605-842-2858 Debbie Steinke or Nicole Richey

*Boy Scouts - email: 

*Country Conference Basketball - Blake Tideman 605-840-5027

*Girl Scouts

*Girls Softball - Colome

*Girls Softball - Winner

*JOAD - Archery - Tim Pravecek 605-830-0220

*Little League Baseball - Colome

*Little League Baseball - Winner

*Spirit Gems - email: 

*Tripp County Cadets - Paul Schueth 605-840-0769 or Kathie Cole

*Winner AAU wrestling

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