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Larson Ranch

Business Owner:

Darrell Larson

Larson Ranch

Audie Larson and Monty Larson

Business Manager:


Find us online:
Physical Address

25649 326th Ave., Hamill, SD 57534

Mailing Address


About Us:

The Larson Ranch for decades has promoted the necessity of conservation of natural habitat and care of the wildlife on our ranch. We have been honored to receive numerous stewardship awards.
In 1982 the Larson Family started a subsidiary-"White River Sportsman Inc." We offer fantastic opportunities for photography, hunting, camping areas, fishing & site seeing due to the abundant game and beautiful South Dakota White River Hills.
We offer Hunting packages for:
• Coyote
• Fishing
• Grouse
• Pheasant
• Prairie Chicken
• Turkey
• White Tail & Mule Deer
The ranch is located on the south side of the White River in Tripp and Lyman counties, approximately 25-30 miles of river frontage plus acres of river breaks above the White River/Missouri River and includes miles of native grass interspersed with cropland and food plots for wildlife to winter on. Yearly new Trees are planted to increase and thicken the shelter belts.
Since 1981 Our ranch has worked with the "South Dakota Governor's Hunt" hosting groups and enjoying excellent success each fall. Private hunts for handicapped have also been hosted with a rewarding time hunting and enjoying the sight seeing of the Ranch's breathtaking landscapes. Our 2012 deer hunters had a 100% success rate. We have been ranked 2nd in a national whitetail contest and noted for our wild pheasant population.
We strive for quality in each area of our operation and we hope you like what you see. We are a working Cattle and Horse operation incorporating the newest technologies while very appreciative of the old ways when a person's word was good enough!
Welcome to our Ranch and may you also enjoy what the Lord has made!

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