Welcome to
Winner School District
Business Owner:
Business Manager:
Pre-School/Elementary School: 605-842-8101 or Middle/High School: 605-842-8125
Find us online:
Physical Address
431 East 7th St., Winner, SD 57580
Mailing Address
www.winner.k12.sd.us , Facebook
About Us:
We are a public school district that serves pre-k through 12th grade students. We have approximately 760 students district-wide and employ over 100 full-time employees. We utilize federal funding at our elementary school to offer smaller class sizes to help create a better learning environment. We also offer one-to-one computer devices for our students district wide. Students from begindergarten through 2nd grade have assigned i-pads and students 3rd-12th have assigned laptop computers. We offer a full curriculum to prepare students for post-secondary education including a vast number of dual credit offerings to help students get a jump start on their post-secondary education. We also offer a number of extra-curricular activities where our students can broaden their high school experience. We have had great success in our classrooms as well as our extra-curricular activities.